The ELF bases its model on the success of our parent charity, Sage Youth. Its programs continue to provide an almost 30-year example of success at the ELF.
Working together, we can expect to support:
increased rates of high school completion;
increased employability and job readiness skills; and
improved resilience and well-being.
The ELF and our partners support children and youth overcoming barriers. Our participants with varying abilities:
are from low-income communities;
are from low-income newcomer and Indigenous communities;
are homeless;
have differing identities; or
are neuro-diverse.

For our Partners Across Canada:
Workbooks, Workshops, Grants
If you’re reading this page, you’re already a superhero! We all get scared when we consider this new, emerging reality.
But—together—we’ve got this!
The ELF has a history of creating responsive, relevant, and dynamic materials that prepare children and youth for the realities they face. We are constantly reviewing, updating, and refreshing our materials so that children have the opportunity to not only understand the world they are living in, but to become emerging leaders in the issues they are passionate about.
We work with different groups that, for various reasons, do not have the same resources to be able to catch up, to be equal, and to advance. The inclusiveness of our programs and materials removes this unacknowledged and invisible minute-by-minute burden and tax on the minds of those who live with this inequality.
We are delighted to let you know that grant applications are now being accepted! Please email for further details.
The ELF provides small grants of $500 to $2,000 to registered Canadian charities.
We only support direct literacy program delivery. Book buying projects not associated with a literacy program will not be funded.
Philanthropy means, “the love of mankind”. For people who work in community service, it’s never really about the food or the clothes or the shelter or the literacy program. It’s about love. We talk a lot about the other things, but in truth, the ‘things’ are a facade for love expressed through acts of compassion.
The ELF addresses our emerging new reality with honesty, care, and loving action. We support other community organizations in understanding that their impact on this world is limitless.
The ELF aims to support capacity, skills, and confidence so that the children we all work with can envision and shape a more beautiful future.
Please note that we are only able to provide our support to other Canadian registered charities.
If your organization would like to:
receive ELF literacy and life-skills workbooks;
attend a literacy workshop; and/or
apply for a grant to support your literacy initiative
We’d love to hear from you!
****School photo created by ijeab -****, ****School photo created by jcomp -****
As a policy, the ELF will not publish identifying photographs of our vulnerable program participants. We are grateful that the children of our founders agreed to be photographed for our website, social media pages, and ads. They’re also wonderful office volunteers who love to help us organize workbooks and program supplies!