We work with different groups that, for various reasons, do not have the same resources to be able to catch up, to be equal, and to advance. The inclusiveness of our programs and materials removes this unacknowledged and invisible minute-by-minute burden and tax on the minds of those who live with this inequality.
Statistically, what the ELF achieves is astonishing. But even more impressive, is that our results are not specific to a particular person, location, or population.
What the ELF does is replicable.
We are happy to share our methods, through online, live, interactive workshops tailored to individual program needs.
Our team provides community developers, volunteers, and teachers with intensive mentoring, during the initial and ongoing stages, in the following areas:
creating a program space where children evolve and thrive;
the study of the critical elements of literacy and life-skills program delivery;
understanding the ELF’s literacy modules and workbooks; and
the application of our user-friendly assessment systems to measure outcomes.
Workshops are delivered across Canada by interactive videoconference. Ottawa workshops are typically delivered in person, but are now offered exclusively online as part of our pandemic-response project.